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Election Commission

Election Commission

Board Members

DICKSON, M. AILEEN No Term Expiration
WATTS, RAY Jan 31, 2028
The Election Commission, established by Section 7.13 of the City Charter, consists of the City Clerk, Chair of the Election Commission, and two qualified and registered electors of the City. The Council appoints the two members annually in January for a term of one year. The Election Commission oversees the appointment of the Board of Election Inspectors precinct assignments prior to each election, and has charge of all activities and duties required by Statute and the City Charter relating to the conduct of Elections in the City of Troy.

City Liaison: City Clerk, 

Meetings: Held remotely until July 31, 2020, then as needed at Troy City Hall.

For the duration of the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-129, expiring July 31, 2020, Public Comment can be submitted for the Election Commission through email sent to: Aileen.Dickson@TroyMI.Gov, and timely emails will be administratively read at the Election Commission meeting.  Public Comment can also be submitted by calling and leaving a voicemail on the following phone number: 248-524-3331.  Voicemails received an hour prior to the meeting on the day of an Election Commission meeting will be played at the meeting.

Next Meeting: July 10, 2020 at 10:00am

Watch the Meeting live here

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